    ZESZYT Nr 2 / 2010    Abstrakty
    Volume No. 2/2010    Abstracts

11. Variation in micronutrients concentration in lupine, pea and maize during the vegetation period on sandy soils Research communication
 - Ewa Stanisławska-Glubiak, Jolanta Korzeniowska

In a  two-year fi eld experiment, established on sandy soil, tendencies in the changes in Cu, Zn, Mn and B concentrations in aerial parts of lupine, pea and maize were observed, from
early vegetation season to the infl orescence stage. In each year, plant material samples were collected four times at 10-day intervals. Soil properties and total precipitation from the onset of the vegetation season to the termination of sample collection affected the level of the four microelements in plants. The effect was particularly strong in the case of copper.

Although  the concentrations of the microelements were different in the two years, certain
tendencies in the modifi cation of their levels could be observed during the vegetative season. The content of Cu in aerial parts of all the test plants tended to decrease distinctively as the plants grew older. Fluctuations in the levels of Zn, Mn and B, which depended on the plant species and environmental conditions, did not produce such clearly defi ned tendencies.

key words: papilionaceous plants, maize, microelements in plants, changes in concentration of microelements