    ZESZYT Nr 2 / 2010    Abstrakty
    Volume No. 2/2010    Abstracts

13. Response of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) to protection intensity
 - Grzegorz Szumiło, Leszek Rachoń

The field study was carried out in years 2007–2009.
The experimental fi eld was located on soil derived from loess silt, which is categorized as good wheat soil complex. The aim of the experiment was to establish the infl uence of varied plant protection levels: minimal (seed dressing and herbicide) and comprehensive (seed dressing, 2 types of herbicide, retardant, fungicide and insecticide) on the yield, crop structure components and selected physical quality parameters of the grain of spring wheat
Triticum durum (Desf.) and Triticum aestivium (L.).
 The yield of minimally protected wheat was reduced by approximately 22.6% compared to intensively protected wheat, which was caused by a signifi cant decrease in the number of ears, thousand grain weight (TGW) as well as grain weight and number per ear. Limited plant protection resulted in overall decrease in grain bulk density and uniformity as well as grain glassiness. Depending on a genotype, the yield of durum wheat made up from 68.3% to 85.1% of the yield of common wheat.
The grain of durum wheat was charac-terised by greater TGW, uniformity and glassiness compared to common wheat.

key words: plant protection, grain yield, grain quality, durum wheat, spring wheat