      ZESZYT Nr 3 / 2010    Abstrakty
      Volume No 3/2010     Abstracts

1.Visible and near-infrared spectrophotometer for soil analysis: preliminary results
Guillaume Debaene, Jacek Niedźwiecki, and Alicja Pecio

Precision farming, a fast growing technique, is based on within-field variability at the field or farm scale and demands some information about soil physical and chemical properties. In
this paper, we present the use of visible and near infrared reflection spectroscopy (VIS-NIRS) in the 400–2200 nm spectral range to predict soil acidity, available Mg, P, and K content, soil organic carbon (SOC) content, and soil clay fraction (<0.002 mm) content, and then present an on-the-go spectrophotometer for in situ measurements of refl ectance spectra. Some optimistic preliminary results have been obtained for the prediction of SOC, clay, available Mg, and K content with r2 (predicted vs. measured values) varying from 0.64 to 0.69. Results also emphasise the importance of the calibration scheme.

key words: precision agriculture, visible and near infrared spectroscopy (VIS-NIRS), soil organic carbon (SOC), partial least square regression (PLS), on-thego spectrophotometer