      ZESZYT Nr 4 / 2010    Abstrakty
      Volume No 4/2010     Abstracts

5. Growth rate and yields of a sorghum-sudangrass hybrid variety grown on a light and a medium-heavy soil as affected by cutting management and seeding rate - Józef Sowiński and Ewelina Szydełko

Light vs. medium-heavy soil, number of cuts and seeding rate were studied for their effect on growth rate and yields of cv. Nutri Honey, a sorghum-sudangrass hybrid grown in a fi eld trial at Pawłowice (51°09´ N; 17°06´ E) in the years 2007–2009.  The experiment site is part of the Department of Crop Production, Wrocław University of Life Sciences, Poland. The experiment was set up on two soils, light and medium-heavy, in mid-May. No interaction among the factors under study was found for the number of plants after emergence, number of shoots prior to harvest, or for the dry matter yield. Number of plants after emergence was signifi cantly higher on the light soil. Conversely, number of tillers at the end of growth was higher on the mediumheavy soil. Increasing the number of cuts promoted tillering and increased the number of shoots as counted at the end of growth.  Weather pattern was found to have the greatest impact on yields.
In the favourable year of 2009 the yield of DM was 14.8 t ha-1.  Number of cuts signifi cantly affected the yields of DM, the highest yields being obtained with a single harvest (16,0 t DM ha-1).  The hybrid Nutri Honey gave signifi cantly higher yields on the medium-heavy soil (12,8 t DM ha-1) than on the light one (10,5 t DM ha-1). Increasing seeding rate by 100% had no appreciable effect on DM yields.

key words: sorghum-sudangrass hybrid, soil heaviness category, cutting frequency, growth rate, dry matter yield