      ZESZYT Nr 4 / 2010    Abstrakty
      Volume No 4/2010     Abstracts

6. Impact of zero tillage system on the nutrient content of grain and vegetative parts of cereals - Ewa Stanisławska-Glubiak, Jolanta Korzeniowska

Evaluating differences in mineral composition of cereal crops grown in zero and conventional tillage systems have been performed with the use of the results of the experiments carried out in experimental stations of IUNG-PIB in Jelcz-Laskowice, near Wrocław (years 2002–2009) and Baborówko near Poznań (2007–2009). The study covered results of various one-year experiments with: winter wheat (9 experiments), maize (4 exp.), spring barley (3 exp.), oats (3 exp.). Conventional tillage consisted of a group of post-harvest tillage operations to a depth of 10–15 cm, and then pre-plant plowing to a depth of 25 cm and sowing cultivation with an active harrow. Zero tillage was performed without using any mechanical tillage, with mulching of the soil surface with shredded straw. The plant samples were analyzed for contents of N and P by fl ow absorption spectrophotometry, K – by fl ame emission spectrometry and Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn and Zn by AAS. Also the mineral content of the so-called indicator parts collected during the growing season were evaluated acc.  to Bergmann values, to determine if there were any shortages of elements in the earlier phases of development, which could affect the mineral composition of grain. In soil samples the content of available P and K were determined by Egner-Riehm method, Mg by Schachtschabel method and organic carbon by Tiurin method.  The evaluation of the signifi cance of differences between the studied farming systems in the mineral contents in grain and cereal biomass was based on the analysis of variance for two independent samples using the Tukey test (P<0.05).
Growing of cereals and maize in zero tillage systems, in the conditions of light soils, did not cause differences in the concentration of macro-and micronutrients in plants at the beginning of the vegetation, nor did it bring about any deterioration of grain quality in terms of content of the primary minerals, which is important in assessing its value as a feed or foodstuff.

key words: zero-tillage system, cereals, maize, nutrient content