      ZESZYT Nr  1/ 2009    Abstrakty
      Volume No. 1/2009     Abstracts


4. Agro-ecological assessment of the vegetation cover of Poland’s soils - Adam Harasim


Indicators presented in the study – indices of vegetation cover and ecological stability – complement each other when used to assess the agro-ecological status of land surface coverage by vegetation. Vegetation cover index, especially that relating to farmland, is useful to evaluate the soil-protecting function of vegetation at a country, region, province (= voivodship) and farm levels.
 Vegetation cover index should be used to evaluate a crop rotation or a cropping structure. When the management of land surface is evaluated for its merits in relation to environment protection the ecological stability index is an indicator to be used.
  Assessed at a country level, farmed lands were found to receive good soil protection from vegetation coverage and land surface showed low to medium-high level of ecological stability. It was found that as surveys went down from the country to region and to farm level the values of agro-ecological indicators became more diversifi ed. In an evaluation comprising both tests the southern region of Poland showed the best performance whereas at a province level, the provinces of Lubuskie, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie had the best indicators.

key words: soil cover, ecological indices, ecological stability