![]() ZESZYT Nr 1/ 2009 Abstrakty Volume No. 1/2009 Abstracts |
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5. The regional differentiation of
legumes cropping area in Poland between 2001 and 2007 - Jerzy Księżak, Mariola Staniak, Jolanta Bojarszczuk Abstract. Selected problems of the regional differentiation of legumes production for seeds and green mass in Poland were presented in the paper. Data from the Central Statistical Offi ce from 2001 to 2007 was used in accordance with the current administrative division into voivodships as well as being used for the source material. Based on a k-Means cluster analysis, different voivodships were distinguished according to the intensity of legumes seeds production and the ability to use the productive potential of the natural environment. Each group was characterised by selected analysed parameters over the whole country. In between 2001 and 2007, the surface area of the seed and fodder legumes was about 100,000 ha and was almost four times less than the area of cultivation of leguminous plants for seeds in 1989. The area of fodder crops cultivation has been strongly limited (more than fi ve times), and edible crops by only 35%. The average share of legume crops on arable land was 0.86% and the highest were recorded in the Lubelskie (2.0%), Świętokrzyskie (1.7%), Pomorskie (1.4%) voivodships, while the smallest in Dolnośląskie (0.3%), Opolskie (0.2%) and Śląskie (0.3%) voivodships. The yield of fodder seeds was 17 dt per ha and was approximately 12% lower than in food crops. The best yields of the fodder species were recorded in the Małopolskie and Pomorskie voivodships, and of the edible crops – in the Opolskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships, leguminous-cereal mixtures for seeds – in Opolskie voivodship. The lowest yields of fodder crops were recorded in Lubuskie, Mazowieckie, Świętokrzyskie, Podlaskie voivodships, edible crops – Lubuskie, Zachodniopo- morskie, Podlaskie, mixtures with cereals – in Mazowieckie voivodships. Most of the seeds were produced in the Lubelskie voivodship (mostly edible), while very little of the edible seeds are produced in Lubuskie and Podlaskie voivodships. The only features that have an adverse effect on the volume of the production of seed legumes were the share of grasslands, cereal yield, share of maize and potato in arable land. The production of legume-cereal mixture seeds correlated negatively with many more factors: the mixture seeds yield, valorization index of agricultural production area, the share of grassland, maize, oilseed rape, potatoes in arable land, while the cattle, pig, and poultry stocks had a positive effect. key words: area of legumes, legume seeds, share of legumes (% AL), green matter |